Friday, November 20, 2009

A christmas carol

I've watch this!!!
AND there's a lot flying here and there >,<"
Oh well, actually it was an in prom to plan...hehe
And ya after watching it I'm excited about ACT and not forgetting Christmas!!!
whee....It's time for Christmas shopping!!! Anyone??? =D

After the movie we went MCD!!
And we were having a fun time fellowshipping especially kacauing James chong aka Wen Row XD
Those guys say my bunch and batch of ppls are NAUGHTY....
Wen Row and Mau mau say that!!!
We are awesome ppl k... =P

Thanks guys for making my day awesome.....
I'm ready for Christmas!!! Wheee.... =)


  1. anytime... especially during in-prom-2 times... X P hehehehe.. we shall do that again... but with more ppl the next time ya?

    God bless ya in abundance ^..^

  2. hehe yeah wei...It was fun =)
    Especially kacauing "Wen Row"...XD
    We shall go again hehe =D
