Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What's my future???

Arghhhh.....down down down

It's already April now arghhh why does it seems like there is no future for me??? I don't know what I wanna do and I don't know what I like the most....Secondly parents and relatives ask me to go Form6....I've got no confidence that I will do well cause It's kinda difficult gotta be hardworking and diligent to study hard....And well I'm not that kinda person who can sit down 24 hours keep studying....Do you think I can make it???

Why why why do I need to face this kinda problems??? Arghhh it's killing me....Feel so stress and tired about it, sometimes it makes me just feel like giving up but oh well no matter what there's NO WAY I will give up..... I may feel stress deep in my heart but I'm still happy and always smiling with my wide smiley smile that cheers people up and that makes me don't look stress at all....People always wonder why I always look happy....Well it's all His works for creating me to be a cheerful girl....I really thank God for that =)
Just pray for me that God will lead me the right direction as he knows what is best for me...

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