Monday, May 4, 2009

My day

It's been quite some time since we last had our family gathering...The last time we had was last year in the middle of December few days before Christmas I guess and yesterday they decided to have BBQ dinner again was actually an in prom to plan =) Just knew about it in the morning at church...Well had no reasons or any occasions having it...It's just that we're like craving for BBQ and felt like eating it...

OMG as usual I got chase by the kids >,<" Arghh don't ask me why...But well they always pick on me...Hmmm scary but kids arre kids lo... =) Had lots of fun BBQ-ing and eating at the same time....By right that's the right way of doing it "Self BBQ" XD BBQ your own la don't expect people to do it for you and you just enjoy eating ni...That's not the way kay... =P

Aiya sadly didn't manage to take many pics cause hand were darn oily and even face also....Can see my pimple all coming out d =( Then went home bathe again cause can't stand my hair got smoke smell and were oily too...All in all my day went well and that was my Sunday =)

Issac camera shy... XD

Those four of them were the centre of attraction...I realize I've not blog bout their baby dedication will blog bout it some other time or maybe will not blog about it la...I've been so lazy to blog d... =P See how la and I will be away to JB tomorrow... Dun miss me kay... =P

Mini swimming pool

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