Friday, February 6, 2009

Craving For Cake... XD

I'm craving for chocolate cheese cake..hehe don't know whyy oh but just feel like eating it..and well I've been telling my mom about it and hoping that she will get me secret recipee chco cheese cake for my birthday..heh heh but didn't know what happened my aunt baked a choc cake for me instead of buying..and so I'm still happy about it and didn't want to complaint so much about it..hehe and so day past and me and my cousin plan to go for movie and after that we shall head on to secret recipe but we did not have mch time so decided not to go and well i was thinking that i shall just forget about it and maybe shall have it some other time..Okie i guess i shall just stop crapping and go straightht to thee point =) This morning when i woke up from bed after washing up i felt so hungry and decided to go downstairs and hunt for some food to fill my empty stomach and and when i went downstairs and guess what i saw on the table?? =P

"Jeng Jeng Jeng"

Secret Recipe~ =)
ZEN is by Secret Recipe...
And the next thing all i did was i took out the box from the plastic bag....

After that i open up the box to check out what cake is in the box...

Yummy... XD
Choc cheese cake...loving it =)

And yeesh without knowing who bought it and whose cake it belongs to i just ate it...OMG i'm super super darn darn naughty la...hehe XD I've finally achieve it...Yeaaa~~

Smells great.. ; )
Awesomeness... =D
Yummy Yummy...Gotta love it!!!

Want some of it?? =P
Hehe guess it's all about it..and i shall end here.. =) Have a wonderful day!!!

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