Monday, February 9, 2009

River Cruise... =)

Had fun time yesterday...Few church members decided to go for river cruise and they ask me whether i want to join them or not..Then i was like "aiyaaa boat ride i went d la" and they was like *sigh*...why so fast wan..Well cause I'm fast mah =P hehe and so what a coincidence my parents have not been for the river cruise ride before and actually they did not intend to go..but after much convincing from me they then decided to go..hehe woohoo i'm very very good in convincing people lei... XD BTW the first time i went was with my brother, his girlfriend and my cousin and that was during CNY which was 2 days after my birthday and the second time was yesterday with parents and few church friends...No regrets going again and it's worth going toooo hehe...

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