Monday, February 16, 2009

Dissapointment arghhhh.... >,<

The day started out well...I woke up 6.45a.m this morning feeling quite excited and yet anxious as well..Actually i decided to wake up much more earlier to do my last minute study but but ended up feeling reluctance to get up from bed and so i decided to continue my beauty sleep..And yesh after washing up and stuff i did my last minute study in few minutes time hehe geng heh... XD

I was sooo blur when i was there don't know what to do can't blame me for that oh first time there mah what you expect...hehe and well not going to tell what happened it's a long long story hehe ; ) I was hoping that whatever i read or memorize will come out and the first section was the color blind test again..That was wonderful cause i made it heh heh..But next wasn't wonderful to me cause i only scored 37 out of 50 which consider as fail suppose to score at least 42 questions right then only consider pass..Sigh darn gotta resit and waste another RM27 I'm so disappointed with myself was confident at first and thought i can do it cause the questions wasn't that difficult was quite easy but didn't know why i couldn't make it..

And i met a sweet girl there unfortunately she was deaf and dunk...Such a pity girl =( and when i came out she asked me whether did i made it?? I told her no no and this was my first time and then she told me that she did not pass tooo and she've been resitting for many times but she still can't pass and she told me that she got low memory power...sigh i really hope that they will excuse her la...I feel so sorry for her...And not only that there's also a man in his late 50's i guess was struggling using the computer and so he was like keep asking for help...After he had completed his test he went out and he keep on complaining to the clerk that he's old and don't know how to use the computer and can't read cause the letter and stuff to small and etc etc...hehe got nice drama to watch interesting ; )

Oh well at least I've tried my very very best and I'm going to resit the test most probably on Wednesday or maybe Thursday and well this time I'm gonna make it...hehe there's no point to be disappointed and sad cause it's over can't turn back time and now I'm super super happy happy back now cause...hehe secret not gonna tell youuu hehe =D

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