Thursday, February 19, 2009

Memories... =)

It's been a month passed since I went for Y.E.S...It was held on the 5th January till 16th January was actually a less than 2 weeks camp but never the less there's only one word to describe about it which is AWESOME and well no regrets going though we stayed at Bible College Malaysia (BCM) still we did have fun time sharing our moments, laughter, joy, tears and etc etc together....Most of us went without knowing anyone and ended up having lots of friends wonderful hehe =) It's a great experienced for me...And oh well i missing those moments already and also not forgetting those friends of mine toooo...sigh...AND here's something to watch to bring back those memoriessss...Enjoy watching ya hehe.... Oh btw Y.E.S means Youth Enrichment School

hanks to TeeJ for the video & Stef Tan for uploading it....hehe =P


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