Sunday, February 22, 2009


Wheee...I'm still at Ipoh now hehe having fun time enjoying eating, shopping and etc etc with cuzzies here....I'm here since Friday....Gosh have not been doing these with them ever since after SPM...I'm happy got to meet up with some of my YES buddies and we'll be going to KL tonight...After so many plans of going here and there sadly we did not make it..hehe and well finally this trip we make it...Yea~ Happy happy gonna meet up with the YES friends in KL..Gonna blog more when i'm back and not forgetting pics toooo...Using cousin's Apple MacBook Pro to update my blog..Lucky girlll got Apple MacBook...LOL =)
No pics sigh....Will upload when i'm back!!! XD
Align Center

Happiness.... =D


  1. Oh my goodness. why why why?? why did you post bout my laptop??
    hahha. Free advertisement eh. and by the way I'm not lucky.I need it for my studies.

  2. hehe y cannot meh...Well is consider lucky also k.. =P

  3. obviously cannot.later others will say I'm a show off asking my cousin to tell the whole world.hahha
