Friday, February 13, 2009

U.N.D.A.N.G !!!!

After much hesitation and delay my dad finally forced me and arrange for me to go and listen to undang the past two days ago...It was so so darn boring there sitting and listening to the old man crapping for 5 hours...sigh...and i don't really understand what the man was really talking about cause firstly he wasted lots of our time by crapping and telling all the history of his past and lame jokes and that's why he ended up rushing through all the syllabus and he's like talking to himself cause he talks to fast and no one understand what he's talking about...But the class was real quite cause the man is super darn fierce keep scolding people and no one even dare to talk, fall asleep during the session and etc....There's a reason people don't dare to do so cause once does any mistake we are not allow to stay in through the whole session...So everyone obediently follow the rules strickly...hehe thank God i pass the color blind test which is the first test if not i won't be able to take my undang... =) And so well the next test will be kinda difficult one many of my friends did not pass for the firrst time and keep trying till they pass which is a waste of money..Lol and so i'm going for my undang test on Monday....Gosh I'm feeling so darn lazy to start reading oh no gotta start reading soon~ Hopefully the set of question i get might be easy...Well all i need to do is just pray for God wisdom and grace be upon me during the test...and hoping that i might go through the test well with a PASS but not FAIL... XD

I know I can I can I can I can do it!!!! =)

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