Friday, February 13, 2009

C's in the House!!!

It's harder then it looks! Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 20 people.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the first same initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice. Try it!!! ;)

  1. What is your name? : Charlene
  2. A four Letter Word : Cool
  3. A boy's name : Cassel
  4. A girl's name : Chelsea
  5. An occupation : Cinematographer... =)
  6. A color : Cyan
  7. Something you'll wear : Collar t-shirt
  8. Something you won't wear : Colorful lacy clothes...haha so lala-ish
  9. A food : Chicken Chop
  10. Something found in the bathroom : Conditioner
  11. A country : Canada
  12. A reason for being late : Cause the complainer complains so so so muchhh... =P
  13. Something you'd shout : Call that person "Hurry or Quick"!!!
  14. A movie title : Chronicles of Narnia
  15. Something you'd drink : Chocolate milk... (Dutch lady) =P
  16. A musical group : Carpenters,The
  17. An animal or pet : Cat
  18. A street name : Chee Chong Kai... (Pee Jay street) XD
  19. A type of car : Camaro (Bumblebee) =D
  20. The title of a song : Chariots of Fire
I tag nobody..hehe =P

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