Monday, March 9, 2009


The day went smoothly well till I came back from hospital after visitation for lunch didn't have appetite to eat don't know why...Cause maybe took heavy breakfast that's why was feeling quite full...So I then decided to take a nap since it's a nice whether why not take a nap rite...?? ; )
After taking a long nap i woke up feeling uncomfortable body was aching and was feeling hot and at the same time was feeling cold...
Arghhh so
frustrated!!! Then took my temperature arghhh darn got fever...Suppose to go for badminton with church friends and I ended up not going cause my grandma didn't allowed me to and was raining quite heavily got scolded from her sigh... =(
People keep asking me take medicine but I didn't want to and I didn't want to see a doc too cause no point lo..I don't know how to swallow pills >,<'" Seriously I had a real bad experience la and till now I'm having phobia of medicine...
Then there goes my mom again how are you going to KL to study when you don't know even know how to take care of yourself??? Then if you sick how whose going to take care of you??? And you
will be all alone by yourself there....
i told my mom don't worry I know how to take care of myself and when the time comes I know what to do and I'm not alone pleaseee... =P

And all I had for my dinner was an......" GREEN APPLE"


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