Saturday, March 21, 2009

Horrible Beach

Was sleeping soundly then cousin woke me up at 8 in the morning...Wah crazy, people nicely sleeping then she kacau wake me up ask me wanna go beach or not....>,<>Eeeyeer I tell you so geli la the place the sand so many red ants and not only that the sand so sticky wan and the sea water no comment la...As usual rubbish is all around the area must be those stupid insensible people's fault la....Eeeewww really no comment la!!! Oh well cousin went there just to bring his son play sand so just go along since bored at home hehe manage to take few pics only didn't really camwhore but instead did alot of random stuff there hehe =P

Then we build sand castle...Hehe bringing back my childhood memories =)

E-Zen and his cousin Jessica
After few minutes i lost my interest so decided to walk by the sea shore and take a moment to think about my future and what's next....Then out of sudden thought of doing some random stuff and these is what I did... ; )

Shadow shadow....
I love beach but well not Melaka's beach it's so horrible and terrible....Super dirty and the sand not smooth enough =P Tired tired day out!!! Gotta rest now.... =)

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