Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm Back

Yahoo finally I'm back home...I feel so comfortable back home *grins smile* Really miss my comfy bed....Was away for more then a week went up to KL to search for college and stuff...Sigh I'm so slow all my friends have already started their college life and some gonna start real soon but well oh well I'm still indecisive....Taking my own sweet time...Sigh sigh...

Was fun spending my weeks there....Went starbucks online a few times cause brother's gf's house can't online and drank "Caramel Macchito" a few times till bored about it.... And guess what we actually did went to Genting Highlands was a 1 day trip we went at night at about 9 something and spend few hours taking fresh windy air there and had our supper at starbucks again...LOL...Was super cold there and all in all was real awesome...It was an in prom to plan...

Aiks didn't take any pics there though...Sha
ll pay a visit there again and the next time must at least spend a night over there... =) I did enjoy myself... Oh no~ I've accidentally deleted my pics from my phone.... =(
More updates coming up not in a mood to update now....I'm feeling so lazy don't know why.... XD

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