Friday, March 13, 2009

My Career Inventory Test Result

Career Inventory Test Results

Extroversion |||||||||||||||||| 53%
Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 80%
Altruism |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||| 40%

You are a Guardian, possible professions include - counseling, ministry, library work, nursing , secretarial, curators, bookkeepers, dental hygienists, computer operator, personnel administrator, paralegal, real estate agent, artist, interior decorator, retail owner, musician, elementary school teacher, physical therapist, nurse, social worker, personnel counselor, alcohol/drug counselor.

That's 100% me no no maybe I shall just say 90% larrr.....Yea~ I shall study psychology and be a great counselor in future or maybe specialise in Child Psychology....Or maybe any other career that suits me la....To me it's quite accurate so go try out and find out about yourself ba~ =)

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