Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thank You =)

I'm so so so happy....Everyone thanks for your concern and your love towards me especially my family members amd relatives =) They have always been there for me in times of tribe and thanks for supporting me and cheering me up and giving me all the advice..
Seriously I'm quite satisfied with my results no doubt didn't score that well and kindly speaking I'm not that kinda person who can really sit down 24hrs study and to me i think my results not bad d la hehe cause didn't really study that much and during SPM when there's no paper's i stayed at home play with my "nintendo wii"....And not only that i do my last minute study heh heh... XD And everyone keeps worrying about me....
I'm a real bad bad bad example pleaseee DON'T NEVER EVER EVER EVER be like me..... =) Now I regret but well there's no point regretting now and it's never too late to change.... So so so will do better in college life and get into serious work...There's always time to play and time to study so wake up and stop dreaming~ !!!
Gosh I'm crapping eeyeeerrrr...XD I'm so surprise I've got credit for my additional maths which I thought I'm gonna fail or maybe get a D but well I got an C5...I'm glad I made it~~ All my hard work paid it all....

Thanks To All My Teachers Who Have Educate And Guide Me
.... And To Those Who Have Done Well Congrats !!! =)

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