Wednesday, April 22, 2009

List of things I wanna do.....

I'm still sitting at home waiting for the offer letter for Form6 and as usual does the same daily routine without fail....People keep asking why not bored ah and why not go out or something??? Well, honestly speaking I'm not bored doing the same stuff over and over again~ and I'm kinda lazy wanna go out cause of the hot hot sunny weather that makes me feel so so lazy to get out of the house.... XD I love or rather prefer staying at home doing my daily routine even though it may be boring at times but well I'm still loving and enjoying it =) And I'm making full use of my time kay~!!! There's a few things I wanna continue or learn since so free now....

  • Piano ( Gonna continue finish up my Grade 8 )
  • Violin
  • Pick up some languages ( Korean and etc... )

Mean while these are the few on my mind ni~ There's much more for me I guess.... =)

I can do all things to Christ who strengthens me...

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