Monday, April 20, 2009

Oh man...

This week ain't a good week for me....

Got scolded from mom cause she misplace her key and she keep saying that she pass me her key to open the door which I did not....She search everywhere but couldn't find and still insisted that I'm the one who use her key to open the door...Then after that I've finally found it was on the table >,<" Arghh don't know how she find things and I was angry but oh well shall forgive and forget...Thank God i'm not a hot tempered person if not don't know what's gonna happened...Laptop out of sudden spoiled don't know what's wrong with it but have send it for repair few days ago...Sigh I want my laptop back...Without it I feel so darn bored cause got nothing for me to do~

But oh well Thank God for a Nitendo Wii and a desktop at home which makes me feel not so bored.... =) All these while I've been playing some interesting games with my "Nintendo Wii" to overcome my boredom and well I'm loving it and enjoy playing them... XD

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