Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Who Are You Trying To Be Like???

For so long, the world has been sending girls and women a loud message: we need to try harder, to be more like someone else. If only we were thinner, prettier, more disciplined, more talented then maybe we could do more or rather our lives would matter more.

We constantly compare ourselves to other girls...Comparing our clothes, weight, diets, exam scores, and so on and most of the time, we don’t quite measure up. We spend so much time trying to be someone better....Be more like our ideal representation of what we should be.

Sometimes, this striving has led to unhealthy obsessions when we look up to less-than-stellar role models as our ideals. Too many girls have suffered from bulimia, anorexia, and low-self esteem because they measure themselves against picture...Perfect, airbrushed beauties. But even if our role models are amazing, Godly women, we are heading down the wrong track when we try to become exactly like them.

See, God created you...He made us unique and one-of-a-kind. You are his masterpiece, and there is nobody else who can take your place in this world. There is nobody else who can do what you can do but except you. In fact, the world would be denied your gifts, your talents, and yourself If you stop being YOU.... Why would we want to be like anybody else???

Too often we forget that when God created us, He didn’t get something wrong somewhere. We don’t have to change ourselves, fix ourselves, or become someone else. The enemy’s greatest trick is to make us believe that we are worthless because when we realize how incredibly precious and important we are, we are empowered to become everything God meant us to be.

Pointing out our own flaws and weaknesses, denying our gifts the opportunity to grow, hiding away our uniqueness and beauty, and trying to be like other people.
What we often overlook is that when we do that we’re actually denying our uniqueness and denying that we are created in God’s image. We’re saying that God didn’t make us good enough....So we have to try to be someone else.

What our world so desperately needs are people who recognize their potential and live up to it...Fully being the unique individuals God created them to be. It will require putting aside insecurities and doubt that God could possibly use something out of our messy lives. But as we start a new beginning, let’s put aside everything and bravely allow our beauty to shine through each of us in our own unique way, from the inside out.

What maters is not our outer appearance but is our inner disposition....Cultivate inner beauty, the gentleness and gracious kind that God's delight in... 1 Peter3:3-4
We are wonderfully and fearfully made through Christ Jesus so always be thankful for who we are... =)

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