Sunday, March 1, 2009

Home sweet home...

Yea~ finally I'm back home..."Home sweet home"...Guess mom should be bored without me around for a week hehe =) Was away at KL for a week stayed at cousin's place and well I dint went there shopping kay~ went there to baby-sit cousin's son and daughter my nephew and baby niece...hehe had a real good time so called "bonding" with them =D All I did was chasing around after Isaac with his food begging him to sit down quietly and eat his food...Like a crazy fella running around cis...and well as usual kids just love bullying me aiyaaa don't know why lar...Maybe cause I'm too nice to them and I'm slow to anger ;) Now i realize it's not easy to take care of kids must have the patience with them =) Isabel is such an adorable baby manage to feed her with milk and carry her yea~ I just love kids...Kids are just so adorable and lovely and are God's best gift they are such a blessing to us...



Pics of the day... =)

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