Friday, April 24, 2009

Endless Love by Danny Gokey

He has a real beautiful amazing voice....Hoping that he will make it thru the finals and be the next American Idol for Season 8.... =)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

So "hawt".....

Just imagine how crazy "hawt" the blazing sun is??? =P

A fan isn't good enough for me....I need an air con!!! *swt*

Yeeee.....Goodness is so "hawt"....!!! The hotness of the sun is killing me....It annoys me~ can't even get a proper sleep in the afternoon cause of the Mr.Blazing Hawt Sun....Never once I've been sleeping and sweating so much till I got so fed up and din wanna sleep...I WANT something real cold to cool me down....I WANT ICE CREAM AND SOME REAL COLD DRINKS.... *grin* Mr.Sun please shine out of me.... XD

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

List of things I wanna do.....

I'm still sitting at home waiting for the offer letter for Form6 and as usual does the same daily routine without fail....People keep asking why not bored ah and why not go out or something??? Well, honestly speaking I'm not bored doing the same stuff over and over again~ and I'm kinda lazy wanna go out cause of the hot hot sunny weather that makes me feel so so lazy to get out of the house.... XD I love or rather prefer staying at home doing my daily routine even though it may be boring at times but well I'm still loving and enjoying it =) And I'm making full use of my time kay~!!! There's a few things I wanna continue or learn since so free now....

  • Piano ( Gonna continue finish up my Grade 8 )
  • Violin
  • Pick up some languages ( Korean and etc... )

Mean while these are the few on my mind ni~ There's much more for me I guess.... =)

I can do all things to Christ who strengthens me...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Oh man...

This week ain't a good week for me....

Got scolded from mom cause she misplace her key and she keep saying that she pass me her key to open the door which I did not....She search everywhere but couldn't find and still insisted that I'm the one who use her key to open the door...Then after that I've finally found it was on the table >,<" Arghh don't know how she find things and I was angry but oh well shall forgive and forget...Thank God i'm not a hot tempered person if not don't know what's gonna happened...Laptop out of sudden spoiled don't know what's wrong with it but have send it for repair few days ago...Sigh I want my laptop back...Without it I feel so darn bored cause got nothing for me to do~

But oh well Thank God for a Nitendo Wii and a desktop at home which makes me feel not so bored.... =) All these while I've been playing some interesting games with my "Nintendo Wii" to overcome my boredom and well I'm loving it and enjoy playing them... XD

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Who Are You Trying To Be Like???

For so long, the world has been sending girls and women a loud message: we need to try harder, to be more like someone else. If only we were thinner, prettier, more disciplined, more talented then maybe we could do more or rather our lives would matter more.

We constantly compare ourselves to other girls...Comparing our clothes, weight, diets, exam scores, and so on and most of the time, we don’t quite measure up. We spend so much time trying to be someone better....Be more like our ideal representation of what we should be.

Sometimes, this striving has led to unhealthy obsessions when we look up to less-than-stellar role models as our ideals. Too many girls have suffered from bulimia, anorexia, and low-self esteem because they measure themselves against picture...Perfect, airbrushed beauties. But even if our role models are amazing, Godly women, we are heading down the wrong track when we try to become exactly like them.

See, God created you...He made us unique and one-of-a-kind. You are his masterpiece, and there is nobody else who can take your place in this world. There is nobody else who can do what you can do but except you. In fact, the world would be denied your gifts, your talents, and yourself If you stop being YOU.... Why would we want to be like anybody else???

Too often we forget that when God created us, He didn’t get something wrong somewhere. We don’t have to change ourselves, fix ourselves, or become someone else. The enemy’s greatest trick is to make us believe that we are worthless because when we realize how incredibly precious and important we are, we are empowered to become everything God meant us to be.

Pointing out our own flaws and weaknesses, denying our gifts the opportunity to grow, hiding away our uniqueness and beauty, and trying to be like other people.
What we often overlook is that when we do that we’re actually denying our uniqueness and denying that we are created in God’s image. We’re saying that God didn’t make us good enough....So we have to try to be someone else.

What our world so desperately needs are people who recognize their potential and live up to it...Fully being the unique individuals God created them to be. It will require putting aside insecurities and doubt that God could possibly use something out of our messy lives. But as we start a new beginning, let’s put aside everything and bravely allow our beauty to shine through each of us in our own unique way, from the inside out.

What maters is not our outer appearance but is our inner disposition....Cultivate inner beauty, the gentleness and gracious kind that God's delight in... 1 Peter3:3-4
We are wonderfully and fearfully made through Christ Jesus so always be thankful for who we are... =)

Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm just a little too not over You.... =)

Golden Arch some quote from theStarOnline

“This is something I never thought would actually happen to me. It is a true blessing,” he said when someone asked if he regretted not having a “normal” life these days. “I do get to do normal things whenever I can ... I go to my friends’ houses and go to restaurants. People sometimes recognise me,” he admitted “but they are usually very considerate of my personal time.”

Because of his bashful, boyish ways, however, some quarters assume that too much success too soon will cause the teenager to stray. Archuleta feels differently.

“I don’t think that this will change me. I have a lot of support as I go through this busy entertainment world. I mean I will change as a person because I’m only 18 and I will keep maturing. But I think that I have a lot of things to help me along the way,” he offered plainly.

Music has always been a part of Archuleta’s life, whether it is performing, singing or just listening to it. “It has just helped me in a lot of different ways,” Archuleta said.

Apparently when he was little, he would sing all the time – “in my backyard, driving my neighbours and their dogs crazy.”

And he still does.

“I don’t shut up. You can ask my sister, she tells me to shut up all the time. I’ll be singing late at night and she’ll be banging on the door.”

Archuleta said that though he always felt it was great to be involved in music, he definitely gained a greater appreciation for it after the paralysis episode. “It is truly a blessing to be able to do this – to be able to do music and to perform – even after that happened.”

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thank You =)

Verse 1:
Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice
You became nothing, poured out to death
Many times I've wondered at your Gift of life
And I'm in the place once again
I'm in the place once again

Verse 2:
Now you are exalted to the highest place
King of the heavens, where one day I'll bow
But for now, I marvel at Your saving grace
And I'm full of praise once again
I'm full of praise once againr

And once again I look upon the cross where you died
I'm humbled by your mercy and I'm broken inside
Once again I thank You
Once again I poured out my life

Pre Chorus:
Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross, my friend

It's Easter!!! Well Easter is not about Eater bunny and Easter egg...It's all about our risen king...He has sacrifice and die on the cross of Calvary for us and today he's alive he is risen from the death he rose and concur the grave....We just gotta love and thank him for the sacrifices and everything he has done for us....We serve a mighty God.... =)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What's my future???

Arghhhh.....down down down

It's already April now arghhh why does it seems like there is no future for me??? I don't know what I wanna do and I don't know what I like the most....Secondly parents and relatives ask me to go Form6....I've got no confidence that I will do well cause It's kinda difficult gotta be hardworking and diligent to study hard....And well I'm not that kinda person who can sit down 24 hours keep studying....Do you think I can make it???

Why why why do I need to face this kinda problems??? Arghhh it's killing me....Feel so stress and tired about it, sometimes it makes me just feel like giving up but oh well no matter what there's NO WAY I will give up..... I may feel stress deep in my heart but I'm still happy and always smiling with my wide smiley smile that cheers people up and that makes me don't look stress at all....People always wonder why I always look happy....Well it's all His works for creating me to be a cheerful girl....I really thank God for that =)
Just pray for me that God will lead me the right direction as he knows what is best for me...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wooo... XD

Was going thru all the pics in my laptop and wanted to delete some of the pics.....And well look what I've found... =)

Woo I've grown so much d....Look so different now =)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

New Look New Look....

The Old Me....

I've finally decided to chop off my long hair ....Must be the super darn hawt weather that makes me keep complaining and feel irritated then makes me wanna cut my hair....Feel so not use to short hair but well will get use to it real soon.... =)

The New Me....

I Love me new look....It makes me look younger.... XD

Friday, April 3, 2009

So Far, Yet So Near....

Introducing David Archuleta the American Idol Season 7 finalist....The most youngest yet cutest & handsome participant.... =)

11 April 2009
@ Sunway Lagoon Amphitheathre

I wish I could be there.... =(

Gonna get his latest album real soon.... =D

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rufus's Farewell

Last Friday we had a farewell for Rufus "THE NAKED MOLE RAT".....We was as usual indecisive don't know where to have our dinner then we ended up going to "Flying Chillies"....Had a real great time spending with a few YES buddies and him... =) Have not seen most of them ever since after YES...Everyone change a lot becoming more pretty and handsome *wink wink* happy meeting them back~

It's been a blessing knowing ya and having you as my friend...Hoping that you'll do well there~ Take care and God Bless ya!! Dun miss me ya... XD

I'm Back

Yahoo finally I'm back home...I feel so comfortable back home *grins smile* Really miss my comfy bed....Was away for more then a week went up to KL to search for college and stuff...Sigh I'm so slow all my friends have already started their college life and some gonna start real soon but well oh well I'm still indecisive....Taking my own sweet time...Sigh sigh...

Was fun spending my weeks there....Went starbucks online a few times cause brother's gf's house can't online and drank "Caramel Macchito" a few times till bored about it.... And guess what we actually did went to Genting Highlands was a 1 day trip we went at night at about 9 something and spend few hours taking fresh windy air there and had our supper at starbucks again...LOL...Was super cold there and all in all was real awesome...It was an in prom to plan...

Aiks didn't take any pics there though...Sha
ll pay a visit there again and the next time must at least spend a night over there... =) I did enjoy myself... Oh no~ I've accidentally deleted my pics from my phone.... =(
More updates coming up not in a mood to update now....I'm feeling so lazy don't know why.... XD